Muhammad Ali latest to announce boxing comeback
Following in the footsteps of Mike Tyson, Evander Holyfield and other old legends, Muhammad Ali is the latest boxer to announce a comeback, despite being dead since 2016.

The boxer many consider to be the greatest of all time died at the age of 74 back in June 2016, but after seeing Mike Tyson's explosive comeback video, in which the former heavyweight champion hits some pads pretty hard and fast for a 53-year-old, Ali thinks he can still contend with the likes of Tyson Fury and Anthony Joshua.
Ali, who hasn't fought since 1981, reportedly announced the comeback with one of his famously whimsical poems: "I'm coming down from heaven, to take Fury in seven. Then it's Joshua in three, Wilder in five; you'll see, that even in death I'm the greatest alive.
Joe Frazier is also expected to make a return, though attempts to reach him have so far proven unsuccessful.
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