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Amir Khan recovering in hospital after being KO'd by Storm Ciara

British boxer Amir Khan is reportedly recovering in a local hospital after being brutally knocked out by the strong winds of Storm Ciara in Bolton yesterday evening.

The former world champion is said to have been jogging to a local gym in his hometown of Bolton, maintaining his fitness levels whilst in between fights, when a strong gale hit him in the jaw like a ton of bricks.

Storm Ciara has devastated parts of the United Kingdom in the last couple of days, flooding homes and even killing a man whose car was struck by a falling tree, but Khan, always striving for greatness even at the risk of his own health, ventured out into the 97mph winds anyway.

Reports claim that the 33-year-old, who won a silver medal at the 2004 Olympic Games, only made it five minutes from his house before being knocked out cold by the rapid gust of wind. He was found lying in the street by a local over an hour later, who immediately called for an ambulance upon seeing severe bruising to the boxer's jaw.

Khan was kept in hospital overnight for observation but is said to be recovering well. It is unclear at this stage if he will require surgery.

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